How to enable DNS-over-HTTPS (Secure DNS) in Chrome, Brave, Edge, Firefox and other browsers
A relatively new feature that most web browsers offer today is DNS-Over-HTTPS. Also referred to as Secure DNS by Chromium browsers, it has been created to provide DNS information protection. When it comes to the majority of online requests that are initiated by users, DNS is the most popular option. For instance, DNS would be used when you type a website manually in the address bar or click on a website link for the first time.
In the past, most requests were made in plain text which allowed your ISP (Internet Service Provider) to get a log of your entire internet activity. What DSN does is that it translates hostnames and domain names to IP addresses which computers put to use. Through Secure DNS, data can be encrypted which ensures that it is protected against manipulation and spying.
Now, you must understand that Chromium-based browsers keep Secure DNS off as default. Therefore, you would need to activate it in order to safeguard your system. Only if you have a Secure DNS provider would you not need to worry about this. The fact is that there are many benefits of activating Secure DNS. This is why it makes sense to enable it by default when you start using a new browser. To help you activate it, we have prepared the ultimate post that shares all the information you need. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s dive right in.
Configure Secure DNS for Brave Browser
Since Brave follows the implementation guidelines of Chromium, you will have an easy time activating Secure DNS. All you need to do is click Menu
> Settings
> Privacy
to access the configuration page. Otherwise, you can also enter brave://settings/security
in the address bar.
Next, you need to look for Use Secure DNS
as it determines whether you have enabled Secure DNS or not. Generally, the service provider’s DNS would be used. It is up to you to switch to one of the providers or opt for a custom providers. As Brave supports Quad9, you can use it. You will have to pick the “With” option as well.
Configure Secure DNS for Google Chrome
To manually access the settings, you must click Menu
> Settings
> Privacy
> Security
. Alternatively, you can simply type chrome://settings/security
into the address bar for the desired settings to load directly.
In order to switch on DNS-Over-HTTPS, you will have to turn on Use Secure DNS
option. You just have to toggle it to activate it. Now, you will have two options. You can either select one of the preset providers, set a custom provider, or configure Google Chrome to use a default DNS provider. Keep in mind that the latter option would only work if your default DNS provider actually offers support for Secure DNS.
However, you need to understand that most ISPs do not provide support. Therefore, you are better off selecting a DNS provider from the supported providers mentioned in the settings or simply choose a custom provider. Choose “With” and click on the desired preset provider such as Next DNS, Google, Cloud Flare, Clean Browsing, and Open DNS. You also have the option to opt for a custom provider which your provider should share with you.
Configure Secure DNS for Microsoft Edge
The steps that you need to follow to configure Secure DNS for Microsoft Edge are similar to the ones mentioned above. You can either head over to Menu
> Settings
> Privacy
and search for services manually or enter edge://settings/privacy
in the address bar.
To enable Secure DNS, you have to select the preference Use Secure DNS
. You must toggle it to activate it if it has been turned off. You should bear in mind that Edge uses the existing service provider. This means that your DNS provider would be already set as default. But, you can make a switch by selecting “Choose a Service Provider” and click the field below to select a preset provider. Otherwise, you can type a custom provider by mentioning a specific URL.
Configure Secure DNS for Mozilla Firefox
Mozilla Firefox users will be glad to know that it supports Secure DNS. All you need to do is type about: preferences #general in the browser’s address bar. Then, you have to scroll to Network Settings and activate the button. The option Enable DNS-Over-HTTPS
would determine if it has been activated or not. You can either choose a custom provider or select from the two preset providers which include NextDNS and CloudFlare.
Other Web Browsers
Configure Secure DNS for Vivaldi
Even though Vivaldi adheres to Chromium’s implementation, you might be unable to find the option when you go through the settings. This is why you will have to type chrome://settings/security
in the address bar for the browser to load the option. You will have to scroll through it to find Use Secure DNS
and toggle it if it has been disable. It is up to you to use a custom provider, a preset provider, or the system provider.
Configure Secure DNS for Opera
Lastly, we also share how you can configure Secure DNS for the Opera Browser. You can either click Opera Menu
, Settings
, Advanced
, Browser
, and scroll to preferences or enter opera://settings/?Search=DNS
in the address bar to load the desired page.
Next, you have to enable Use DNS-Over-HTTPS
. Make sure to select the provider from the preset options or enter a custom provider. Keep in mind that the Opera Browser only lists Google Public DNS and Cloud Flare options.
After you have finished reading our post, you will know how to enable Secure DNS in most web browsers. The fact is that most Firefox-based and Chromium-based browsers offer similar options. You can go through the settings to ensure that you browse safely over the internet. It is crucial that you activate Secure DNS to stay on the safe side.