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What is the "MP3 Converter" add-on and how can I use it?
This full-featured MP3 conversion tool is built on top of a pure JavaScript engine, allowing it to perform conversions without server-side interaction. The extension only contains the MP3 encoder component and relies on your browser's decoding capability to process audio or video streams for conversion. Essentially, the extension requests your browser to decode the user's audio or video to obtain the raw audio data, which is then converted into MP3 format with the desired bitrate. It's important to note that the extension cannot convert media formats that your browser is unable to play, as the conversion process depends on the decoding ability of your browser. However, the most frequently used video and audio formats are now supported by modern browsers. Even if a format is not yet supported, the browser's decoding power continues to improve.
recommended "Open In VLC" extension for Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox browsers.
"Open in VLC" is a browser extension that lets you stream online videos directly in VLC Media Player. It supports various video platforms and provides a seamless way to bypass in-browser playback for improved performance and more features. Read more here.
What's new in this version?
Please check the Logs section.
What are the available methods for providing audio and video files to the extension?
There are several ways to feed input media files to the extension. One method is to click on the dotted section of the converter window to open the default file manager and select multiple media files. Alternatively, you can drag and drop local media files directly into the area. Additionally, the extension can extract URLs from text input. So, if you drop a piece of text content into this area, the extension will extract all URLs and check the server's response for each one. If there is a media MIME type associated with the URL, the content will be fetched, and conversion will take place. If there is no associated MIME type, an error message will be displayed next to the URL. It's important to note that by default, the extension does not have permission to access external servers. Therefore, it will request permission for each server as it is needed.
Why do I have to grant server access permission every time I request a remote resource conversion? Is there a way to avoid these requests?
The reason for requesting access permission each time a remote resource conversion is requested is due to the extension's focus on user security. The extension is designed to have no external access to any remote server whatsoever. Therefore, when a remote resource is provided, the extension needs to obtain the user's permission to validate the external resource and download the media content from the server. These permissions are requested once for each domain.
You can grant the extension global access to download any external resource by pressing the global permission button in the user interface once. This way, the extension will not ask for permission for each new remote job. You can remove and reinstall the extension in case you want to revoke this permission.
Why does the "unable to fetch" error appear when I try to drop a link into the extension conversion window using the Firefox browser?
The current permission system in Firefox is not functioning correctly. As a result, when the extension needs permission from the user to access external servers and fetch media files, the permission prompt is not displayed, causing the extension to fail at accessing the remote media. You can either download the media file locally and then drop it into the UI or grant the extension global permission, which is explained in the related FAQ.
Is it possible to cancel an ongoing conversion request?
Yes, you can easily cancel a conversion request by clicking the close button located on the right side of the job. If the job is still in the process of downloading, the connection will be terminated. If the job is already in the middle of the MP3 conversion process, the worker assigned to the job will be terminated.
Is it possible to convert an unsupported media file to MP3 using this extension (a media file that the browser cannot directly play)?
Yes, starting from version 0.2.0, this extension includes an internal audio and video decoder based on FFmpeg command-line tool that can decode most media files. This backup decoder is activated when the browser fails to parse a media file. With this feature, the extension can convert almost any media format to MP3 format.
Here is the list of all supported decoders: "aac", "adpcm_ima_ssi", "aura2", "dpx", "g729", "kmvc", "mss2", "pcm_s64le", "roq_dpcm", "theora", "vqa", "aac_fixed", "adpcm_ima_wav", "avrn", "dsd_lsbf", "gdv", "lagarith", "msvideo1", "pcm_s8", "rpza", "thp", "wavpack", "aac_latm", "adpcm_ima_ws", "avrp", "dsd_lsbf_planar", "gif", "loco", "mszh", "pcm_s8_planar", "rv10", "tiertexseqvideo", "webp", "aasc", "adpcm_ms", "avs", "dsd_msbf", "gremlin_dpcm", "m101", "mts2", "pcm_u16be", "rv20", "tiff", "webvtt", "ac3", "adpcm_mtaf", "avui", "dsd_msbf_planar", "gsm", "mace3", "mv30", "pcm_u16le", "rv30", "tmv", "wmalossless", "ac3_fixed", "adpcm_psx", "ayuv", "dsicinaudio", "gsm_ms", "mace6", "mvc1", "pcm_u24be", "rv40", "truehd", "wmapro", "acelp_kelvin", "adpcm_sbpro_2", "bethsoftvid", "dsicinvideo", "h261", "magicyuv", "mvc2", "pcm_u24le", "s302m", "truemotion1", "wmav1", "adpcm_4xm", "adpcm_sbpro_3", "bfi", "dss_sp", "h263", "mdec", "mvdv", "pcm_u32be", "sami", "truemotion2", "wmav2", "adpcm_adx", "adpcm_sbpro_4", "bink", "dst", "h263i", "metasound", "mxpeg", "pcm_u32le", "sanm", "truemotion2rt", "wmavoice", "adpcm_afc", "adpcm_swf", "binkaudio_dct", "dvaudio", "h263p", "microdvd", "nellymoser", "pcm_u8", "sbc", "truespeech", "wmv1", "adpcm_agm", "adpcm_thp", "binkaudio_rdft", "dvbsub", "h264", "mimic", "notchlc", "pcm_vidc", "scpr", "tscc2", "wmv2", "adpcm_aica", "adpcm_thp_le", "bintext", "dvdsub", "hap", "mjpeg", "nuv", "pcx", "sdx2_dpcm", "tta", "wmv3", "adpcm_argo", "adpcm_vima", "bitpacked", "dvvideo", "hca", "mjpegb", "on2avc", "pfm", "sgi", "twinvq", "wmv3image", "adpcm_ct", "adpcm_xa", "bmp", "dxtory", "hcom", "mlp", "paf_audio", "pgm", "sgirle", "txd", "wnv1", "adpcm_dtk", "adpcm_yamaha", "bmv_audio", "dxv", "hevc", "mmvideo", "paf_video", "pgmyuv", "sheervideo", "ulti", "wrapped_avframe", "adpcm_ea", "adpcm_zork", "bmv_video", "eac3", "hnm4_video", "motionpixels", "pam", "pgssub", "shorten", "utvideo", "ws_snd1", "adpcm_ea_maxis_xa", "agm", "brender_pix", "eacmv", "hq_hqa", "movtext", "pbm", "pgx", "sipr", "v210", "xan_dpcm", "adpcm_ea_r1", "aic", "c93", "eamad", "hqx", "mp1", "pcm_alaw", "pictor", "siren", "v210x", "xan_wc3", "adpcm_ea_r2", "alac", "cavs", "eatgq", "huffyuv", "mp1float", "pcm_bluray", "pixlet", "smackaud", "v308", "xan_wc4", "adpcm_ea_r3", "alias_pix", "ccaption", "eatgv", "hymt", "mp2", "pcm_dvd", "pjs", "smacker", "v408", "xbin", "adpcm_ea_xas", "als", "cdgraphics", "eatqi", "iac", "mp2float", "pcm_f16le", "ppm", "smc", "v410", "xbm", "adpcm_g722", "amrnb", "cdtoons", "eightbps", "idcin", "mp3", "pcm_f24le", "prores", "smvjpeg", "vb", "xface", "adpcm_g726", "amrwb", "cdxl", "eightsvx_exp", "idf", "mp3adu", "pcm_f32be", "prosumer", "snow", "vble", "xl", "adpcm_g726le", "amv", "cfhd", "eightsvx_fib", "iff_ilbm", "mp3adufloat", "pcm_f32le", "psd", "sol_dpcm", "vc1", "xma1", "adpcm_ima_alp", "anm", "cinepak", "escape124", "ilbc", "mp3float", "pcm_f64be", "ptx", "sonic", "vc1image", "xma2", "adpcm_ima_amv", "ansi", "clearvideo", "escape130", "imc", "mp3on4", "pcm_f64le", "qcelp", "sp5x", "vcr1", "xpm", "adpcm_ima_apc", "ape", "cljr", "evrc", "imm4", "mp3on4float", "pcm_lxf", "qdm2", "speedhq", "vmdaudio", "xsub", "adpcm_ima_apm", "aptx", "cllc", "ffv1", "imm5", "mpc7", "pcm_mulaw", "qdmc", "srt", "vmdvideo", "xwd", "adpcm_ima_cunning", "aptx_hd", "comfortnoise", "ffvhuff", "indeo2", "mpc8", "pcm_s16be", "qdraw", "ssa", "vmnc", "y41p", "adpcm_ima_dat4", "arbc", "cook", "ffwavesynth", "indeo3", "mpeg1video", "pcm_s16be_planar", "qpeg", "stl", "vorbis", "ylc", "adpcm_ima_dk3", "ass", "cpia", "fic", "indeo4", "mpeg2video", "pcm_s16le", "qtrle", "subrip", "vp3", "yop", "adpcm_ima_dk4", "asv1", "cscd", "fits", "indeo5", "mpeg4", "pcm_s16le_planar", "r10k", "subviewer", "vp4", "yuv4", "adpcm_ima_ea_eacs", "asv2", "cyuv", "flac", "interplay_acm", "mpegvideo", "pcm_s24be", "r210", "subviewer1", "vp5", "zero12v", "adpcm_ima_ea_sead", "atrac1", "dca", "flic", "interplay_dpcm", "mpl2", "pcm_s24daud", "ra_144", "sunrast", "vp6", "adpcm_ima_iss", "atrac3", "dds", "flv", "interplay_video", "msa1", "pcm_s24le", "ra_288", "svq1", "vp6a", "adpcm_ima_mtf", "atrac3al", "derf_dpcm", "fmvc", "jacosub", "msmpeg4v1", "pcm_s24le_planar", "ralf", "svq3", "vp6f", "adpcm_ima_oki", "atrac3p", "dfa", "fourxm", "jpeg2000", "msmpeg4v2", "pcm_s32be", "rawvideo", "tak", "vp7", "adpcm_ima_qt", "atrac3pal", "dirac", "fraps", "jpegls", "msmpeg4v3", "pcm_s32le", "realtext", "targa", "vp8", "adpcm_ima_rad", "atrac9", "dnxhd", "frwu", "jv", "msrle", "pcm_s32le_planar", "rl2", "targa_y216", "vp9", "adpcm_ima_smjpeg", "aura", "dolby_e", "g723_1", "kgv1", "mss1", "pcm_s64be", "roq", "text", "vplayer"
What can I do to resolve the "Fetch interrupted" error message when attempting to download media for MP3 conversion?
When you receive the "Fetch interrupted" error message while trying to convert a media file to MP3 format, it means that the extension is unable to fetch the resource from the remote server. In such cases, you can try downloading the media file manually and then dropping it into the converter interface. If you encounter any problems while downloading the media file, you can use the "Live Stream Downloader" extension.
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Some phones come with the limitation to play music files in Mp3 format only. This is why users often have to go through full of hassle process for converting music files in this particular format. Although there are numerous software and apps available for this purpose but using them can prove to be difficult. Furthermore, there are certain websites as well that can help in converting music files into mp3 format; however, plenty of ads on these websites can get your computer infected with deadly viruses. Mp3 Converter, a web browser extension, claims to end your mp3 conversion woes. Read on to know whether it stays true to its claims or not.
The most prominent feature of this extension is that it offers users the convenience to input media files by different means. You can either drag and drop the file you need to convert or click on the main area of the extension. It will open a pop-up window where you can locate and select files for converting them into the mp3 format. Additionally, you can also paste URLs; the extension will automatically fetch the convertible file from the URL and convert it into mp3. Another remarkable feature of this extension is that it can support multiple formats. You can convert both audio and video files into mp3. Therefore, there will be no more requirement to convert an audio/video file into a particular format so that it can be converted into mp3. With Mp3 Converter, you will not have to wait for one conversion process to complete to start other. There is no queue system as it allows multiple conversion at one time. All you have to do is to input different files at one time and the extension will start converting them simultaneously. If you feel you do not want a particular file to be converted or you have selected a wrong file, you can use the cancellation option. The file can be stopped from converting at any time. Lastly, Mp3 Converter doesn’t rely on any external server to convert files into Mp3. It is a purely JavaScript based extension; hence, you can rely on it completely for converting your files into mp3 format in a hassle-free manner. Now coming to its drawbacks, it can be a little tough to use if you are pasting a URL into the extension pane for fetching the file. Every time you will paste the URL, it will ask for user’s permission prior to converting the file. Although done for security purposes, this can prove to be an annoyance for some. Apart from that this extension is perfect to be used on Google Chrome browser. It can work on Firefox as well but you will be able to use URL pasting feature on this particular browser. All in all, Mp3 Converter is an extension that every music lover must have installed on their browser. It is easy to use, lightweight, and can quite useful.
Permission | Description |
downloads | to download the converted files to local disk (default download directory) |
storage | to save internal preferences |
contextMenus | to add 'Convert to MP3' context menu items to the links with audio or video extensions and video and audio elements |
clipboardRead | to read clipboard data when extraction is initiated for the clipboard's content |