KeePassHelper A helper extension to use KeePass and MacPass the easy way
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keepass helper
The "KeePassHelper" extension adds a toolbar button that opens a floating panel at the top center of the currently active page. This panel shows all the passwords that match the page URL. You can choose an entry and paste either the username or password into the currently selected input field. The extension can also automatically enter both the username and password and press the submit button at the same time.



  1. What is "KeePassHelper" extension and how does it work?

    By default, the extension adds no element to your browser (instead of a toolbar button) nor performs any background credential checks hence it is ultra-lightweight. When a login is required, you can press the toolbar button (you can also assign a keyboard shortcut for this action) and check all credentials that are matched to the currently selected URL. Use arrow up and down keys to navigate through the credentials. Once a credential is selected, press Alt + U to insert username or press Alt + P to insert password or even press Alt + B to perform {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD} autotype rule.

    Note that username and password insertion only works when an input field is already selected before the panel gets opened.

    This extension uses KeePass to read credentials. KeePass is a free, open-source password manager application that helps users securely store and manage their password information. It uses strong encryption to protect the stored data and allows users to easily access their passwords using a master password or a key file. KeePass also offers various features such as password generation, auto-type, and support for multiple user-defined fields for each password entry. It is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other operating systems.

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  3. How can I use KeePassHelper extension on Windows OS

    For the KeePassHelper extension to work you will need the KeePass desktop application. You can get it from Also, you need to make sure the KeePassHTTP plugin is installed in the KeePass application. This plugin is the communication bridge between your KeePassHelper extension and the KeePass desktop application.

    To install the KeePassHTTP plugin, open The KeePass application. Go to Tools > Plugins. Open the plugins directory and drop KeePassHttp.plgx into this directory. To verify KeePassHttp has been installed correctly, go to Tools > Plugins, and you should have KeePassHttp in there. Make sure to restart the KeePass application once after the plugin is placed in the directory for the application to detect and load the new plugin.

    Now open a page that requires a password to be entered, and you have its credential stored in the KeePass application. Force the username or password field and press the toolbar/action button. KeyPassHelper extension will send the request to the KeePassHTTP plugin, and this plugin opens a confirmation window. Click on the "allow" button for KeePass to store the communication token. That's it. You can now retrieve passwords from the KeePass application.

    The KeePass application needs to be opened, and the database needs to be unlocked for the KeePassHelper extension to be able to communicate with it.

  4. How can I use KeePassHelper extension on Mac OS?

    Install KeePassHelper extension on your browser. Install MacPass application on your Mac OS. Open a KeePass database using MacPass application. In the MacPass preferences, go to the plugins tab and make sure MacPassHTTP is enabled. Now open a webpage that requires login credentials in your browser. Focus the username field and then click on the toolbar icon of KeePassHelper extension. A notification box is opened in the MacPass window once asking for your consent whether this new token is permitted or not. Click on the allow button. That's it! Your KeePassHelper extension is now connected to MacPass and you can now get credentials on any page by opening the panel (popup).

    Note, MacPass application needs to be opened and database needs to be unlocked for KeePassHelper extension to be able to communicate with it.

  5. How can I define a keyboard shortcut for opening the command panel?

    Open chrome://extensions/ in a browser tab. At the bottom of the page, click on the "Keyboard shortcuts" link. Find "Find matched passwords and display them" and assign a keyboard shortcut for it. Alt + Shift + P combination is recommended.

    If keyboard shortcut is set you can perform a login as follows:

    • Alt + Shift + P to open the panel
    • Up and down key to find the credential
    • Alt + U to insert username at the currently selected element
    • Alt + P to insert password at the currently selected element
    • Alt + B to insert username at the currently selected element, then switch to the password field and insert password there and press the submit button; equals to {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}{ENTER}
    • Alt + Shift + B to insert username at the currently selected element, then switch to the password field and insert password there (no submission); equals to {USERNAME}{TAB}{PASSWORD}

  6. How can I connect this extension to the KeePass or MacPass application?

    Press the toolbar button. If the extension does not have a stored pairing "key", it will send a request to the KeePass or MacPass application. You will need to allow the database access and then the extension will be able to send requests.

  7. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  8. Can I re-register this extension to KeePass?

    Simply delete the extension from your browser once and re-install it again. The extension will request a new key from KeePass or MacPass application.

  9. How can I close the panel?

    Hit ESC key or press the "Close" button.

  10. Can I change the search query once the panel is opened?

    Yes, when the panel is opened, top level URL is used for finding matching credentials. You can change the text and press Enter key to perform a new lookup. Note that at this moment, the query needs to be a URL. Performing custom search is yet not possible through HTTP communication.

  11. Can I save a new credential in my KeePass application without opening the actual application?

    Yes!, as of version 0.2.3, you can right-click over the toolbar button and select "Save a new login form in KeePass". This will bring up a panel that allows you to save login form to KeePass application.

    Note that KeePassHelper will try to guess all the fields based on the data you have already entered in the page. So it is better to first fill the form once in your browser and then hit the context menu item

    Always make sure to double check password field before requesting the save. Also, note that KeePassHelper only sends form data to KeePass application. If you really want to write the changes to your database, you still need to press Ctrl+S on the actual application.

  12. When I am using KeePassHelper extension on, Yahoo asks for account verification. Why is this happening and what is the workaround?

    Some websites like Yahoo check to make sure form submission is done by users. Basically, when submission event is dispatched by a button, there is a flag that refers to whether this is a user-initiated event or not. There is a simple workaround for this. Just ask KeePassHelper to fill the username and password and not submitting the form, then press the "Enter" key for the actual form submission.

  13. How can I insert additional values via String Fields?

    As of version 0.3.1, it is possible to fill additional input fields within the login form using string field entries. Make sure your KeePassHelper is configured to send these string fields along with the credentials.

    To set a string field on the KeePass application, select the item and then use the right-click "Edit Entry" menu item. Go to the "Advanced tab" and define as many string fields as you like.

    Note that in oppose to the chromeIPass extension, the KeePassHelper extension matches the "Key" value with either the "ID" or "NAME" attribute of all the input fields within the form. If there is a match, the value of that string field is auto-filled. For instance if there is a HTML input element <input id="loginId" type="text" value=""> then define a string field with "Key" equals to KPH: loginId and the value of your choice. As of version 0.6.9, you can also select input[type=checkbox] and input[type=radio] using this extension. The key must match the id or name of the element. If the value is empty or "false" the extension unchecks the element, otherwise, it is checked. Additionally in this version, you can use a query string to select an element (e.g.: KHP: select.myelement).

  14. How can I generate one-time-passwords (OTPs) with KeePassHelper extension?

    To generate OTPs, save OTP's secret in the following format as a string field:

    • Key: KPH: otp
    • Value: secret=OTP_SECRET


    • Key: KPH: otp
    • Value: key=OTP_SECRET


    • Key: KPH: sotp
    • Value: secret=SECURE_OTP_SECRET

    To generate a secure OTP secret string, use the encryption tool in the right-click menu over the toolbar button. This tool helps you to protect any string data using a passphrase.

    When the popup is open, if either KPH: otp or KPH: sotp keys is detected, you can use the OTP button to store one-time tokens to the clipboard. It is also possible to insert the time-based tokens while filling the login form. To do so, find the element id and create a new string field in the following format:

    • Key: KPH: element's id or name
    • Value: {{TOTP}}

    Note: if KPH: sotp is detected, you will get a prompt to enter the passphrase whenever an insert command is used.

    Note: it is highly recommended to use KPH: sotp to have an additional protection if your database got compromised.

    Note: you can also use a full string in Google's otpauth-format as the value. This is useful if the code has a custom period or a custom length. This extension reads both "period" and "digits" arguments from the string.

    • Key: KPH: otp
    • Value: otpauth://totp/ACME%20Co:[email protected]?secret=HXDMVJECJJWSRB3HWIZR4IFUGFTMXBOZ&issuer=ACME%20Co&algorithm=SHA1&digits=6&period=30

  15. Is it possible to use this extension with multiple databases?

    As of version 0.4.3, the extension stores hashes of all databases separately. You can switch between different databases without the need to reconnect the extension to the KeePass application since all the communication keys are stored.

  16. I am using KeePassXC and it doesn't support the KeePassHTTP plugin anymore. Can I still use this extension with KeePassXC?

    Starting from version 0.4.3, this extension supports the native messaging method protocol for communication with the native side. To use this extension with KeePassXC, you need to enable this mode on the options page. Make sure browser integration is enabled in the KeePassXC application for the browser you are using. You also need to add the extension's ID to the KeePassXC application's manifest file so that your browser allows the native communication (by default, only the KeePassXC browser addon is listed). To do this, open the *.JSON file with a text editor and add the ID of this application. To find the location of the manifest file, use the options page of this extension. You can find an example of the path location for all operating systems there.

  17. How can I integrate KeePassHelper extension with KeePassXC with a custom native JSON file?

    • Go to the options page and switch to the "Native Messaging (KeePassXC)" option. You need to have a communication id. Use "org.keepasshelper.extension".
    • Now go to KeePassXC preferences and enable the "Browser Integration" option. Select your browser name and press "OK". This will create a JSON file for your browser; for instance, for Google Chrome, the file is called "org.keepassxc.keepassxc_browser.json" and it is placed in the default native messaging host directory.
    • Open this native messaging directory for your browser. Duplicate the JSON file and call it "org.keepasshelper.extension.json" (the same name as the communication id defined in the extension's options page).
    • Open the new JSON file with a text editor and update the "allowed_origins" array to include this extension's id

    The final JSON should look like the following to support both Chrome and Edge versions of the extension. The "path" key defines the location of the official KeePassXC's native client, which differs based on your OS.

        "allowed_origins": [
        "description": "KeePassHelper integration with native messaging support",
        "name": "org.keepasshelper.extension",
        "path": "/Applications/",
        "type": "stdio"
    For Google Chrome, the native messaging directories are:

    • Windows: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\keepassxc\
    • OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/
    • Linux: ~/.config/google-chrome/NativeMessagingHosts/

    On Windows, save the following batch script (run.bat) to automatic manifest file and registry key creation:

    REG ADD "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\NativeMessagingHosts\org.keepasshelper.extension" /v "" /t REG_SZ /d "C:/Users/me/AppData/Local/KeePassXC/org.keepasshelper.extension.json" /f
    echo {
    echo    "allowed_origins": [
    echo        "chrome-extension://jgnfghanfbjmimbdmnjfofnbcgpkbegj/",
    echo        "chrome-extension://bfmglfdehkodoiinbclgoppembjfgjkj/"
    echo     ],
    echo    "description": "KeePassHelper integration with native messaging support",
    echo    "name": "org.keepasshelper.extension",
    echo    "path": "C:\\Program Files\\KeePassXC\\keepassxc-proxy.exe",
    echo    "type": "stdio"
    echo }

  18. I am on a machine that I can install neither the KeePass application nor the KeePassXC. Is it possible to directly feed KeePass's KDBX3 or KDBX4 database to this extension and use the extension?

    Starting from version 0.5.0, this extension can directly read KDBX3 or KDBX4 databases. To do this, go to the options page and use the "Choose File(s)" button to load the database and the optional key file into the extension. Then, change the operation mode to "Local File (read-only)". Don't forget to press the save button. This will cause the extension to keep a copy of the original database in its internal IndexedDB database and try to use this database as the source. Since the database is locked, you will need to enter your credentials once the extension is ready. You also have the option to delete the internal database when it is no longer needed.

    If the database needs a key file, provide it along with the database file. This file must have the "key*" file extension (for example: "db.keyx"). Key file support is added to the version 0.7.6 release.

    Please note that since the extension uses the internal copy, it will not automatically use the updated version of your database. You need to manually load the new database if your local copy has been updated. Also, note that new entries in this operation mode are stored in the internal IndexedDB, not in your local version. Although it is possible to download the internal database, it is not recommended to use it with other applications because it is stored in KDBX3 format.

  19. What is the difference between the KeePass and KeePassXC applications?

    KeePass and KeePassXC are two different implementations of the KeePass password manager application. Both are free and open-source, but they have some differences in terms of features and development.

    KeePass is the original version of the KeePass password manager. It was first released in 2003 and has been actively maintained since then. KeePass uses the .NET Framework for its GUI (Graphical User Interface) and is available for Windows, macOS, and Linux.

    KeePassXC is a fork of KeePass that was created in 2013. It uses the Qt framework for its GUI and is available for Windows, macOS, Linux, and other operating systems. Unlike KeePass, which is written in C#, KeePassXC is written in C++. KeePassXC also includes some additional features that are not available in KeePass, such as a browser plugin for auto-filling passwords on websites.

    In general, both KeePass and KeePassXC offer similar functionality and are good choices for password management. The choice between the two depends on the specific features and platform support that each user needs.

  20. [experimental feature] What does the "Synced DB" button do on the popup interface?

    The "Synced DB" button on the popup interface unlocks the synced storage specifically designed for this extension. This storage allows users to add new credentials accessed across all synced machines. It is important to note that this storage is separate from the KeePass storage and uses the "" API instead.

    There are a couple of use cases for the synced storage. Firstly, it enables users to have the stored credentials regardless of the database currently open in the KeePass application. Secondly, it provides an option to store credentials for specific URLs outside of the KeePass application.

    Please take a moment to review the following notes: Firstly, this feature is still experimental, so it is advisable not to store important credentials in this storage during its beta phase. Secondly, the extension encrypts both the credentials and the associated URLs before storing them in the synced storage. Without unlocking the database, it is impossible to determine which URLs the encrypted credentials correspond to. Lastly, if the password is forgotten, there is no way to recover the stored credentials.

    To operate the "Synced DB" feature, follow these steps:

    • To unlock the synced storage, click the "Synced DB" button located on the popup interface.
    • To lock the storage, use the right-click context menu by clicking the right mouse button over the action button.
    • To add a new credential, right-click the action button to open the context menu, and select the "Save a new Login Form in KeePass" option.
    • To delete credentials, go to the popup interface, select the desired credentials, and click the "Delete" button. The "Delete" button only activates for synced storage credentials (not KeePass ones).

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    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    Editorial Review

    In today’s world, people have accounts on different sites and platforms. This makes it challenging to remember the username and password. Long gone are the days when you had the same password for every account. Now, you are required to have long and complex passwords because of security reasons. This makes it difficult to remember the passwords and usernames of all the accounts. On of the best solutions for this problem is the KeePassHelper Password Manager. It will enable you to search and add the passwords and usernames from the KeePass application without copying them. Read on to know how it works.

    The KeePassHelper Password Manager extension is not so easy and simple use. You will need at have the KeePass application least version 2.17 or the latest to run it. Additionally, you will need to install KeePassHTTP plug-in. First of all, you must install KeePass application or any other compatible applications and then install the KeePassHTTP plug-in. After that, you will have to log into the KeePass and ensure the KeePassHTTP plug-in is properly installed. You can do this by going to the Tools -> Plugins options. Once, you have verified, you can start using this extension. You will have to go to a page that contains a password. Then, you should to go KeePassHelper's popup window to see the list of credentials available. Click on the lock icon on the toolbar; a new window will appear in the middle of the screen. You can now retrieve passwords and usernames from the window without any trouble. Furthermore, when you click on the toolbar icon, a new window will pop up. It will show all the matching passwords and usernames related to it. Through this extension, you enter login or password in the selected box. You can even add both the username and password. To make it easy for users, you can use direction keys to move up and down the list of credentials. For inserting a username, you can use “Alt + U”; for a password, you can use “Alt + P”, by pressing “Alt + B” you can insert both. A wonderful thing about this extension is that you can use it on different browsers including Chrome, Firefox, and Opera. The only drawback of this extension is that it is complex to use. You will have to keep in mind that you should choose the login name or password input box before inserting it. If the box is not selected insertion will not take place. This extension enables you to change the URL and conduct a new search. Another excellent feature of this extension is that it is lightweight in resources. However, some users had a challenging time using this. For a user, the Password option didn’t work. While for another user, there was an error connecting to the KeePass HTTP. For being able to use this extension, you need to install the KeePass application. Without this application, there will be no communication between the add-on and application. For permitting the communication, you need to open KeePass app and the database should be unlocked. Hence, use this extension and make it easy to manage your passwords.

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