Dark Theme A customizable dark theme for some popular products
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The "Dark Theme" extensions refer to a collection of browser extensions designed to apply dark color schemes to popular products like Google Search and YouTube. Each one is optimized for a specific product to facilitate effective maintenance and bug tracking. Each extension includes an options page where users can customize their color theme preferences. Please note that some extensions use static themes, while others utilize a dynamic dark theme. In dynamic mode, the extension clones the document stylesheets to feature a dark background with light colors.



  1. List of supported extensions and platforms:

  2. recommended "Open In VLC" extension for Chrome, Edge, Opera and Firefox browsers.

    "Open in VLC" is a browser extension that lets you stream online videos directly in VLC Media Player. It supports various video platforms and provides a seamless way to bypass in-browser playback for improved performance and more features. Read more here.

  3. What is the "Dark Theme for YouTube" extension and how does it work?

    This extension is developed based on the popular Youtube Umbra user style but with optimizations for quicker loading times and more efficient resource usage. Users can customize the theme via the add-on's options page. Note that this extension is extremely lightweight as it doesn't consume any resources while browsing non-YouTube pages. On YouTube pages, it consumes significantly fewer resources than Stylish extensions, making it ideal for low-end devices.

  4. What is the "Dark Theme for Google" extension and how does it work?

    The "Dark theme for Google" extension applies a dark theme to Google Search (www.google.com), Google Accounts (accounts.google.com), Google Images (images.google.com), and Google Translate (translate.google.com). Users can customize the different colors of the theme via the options page. You can optionally exclude selective Google products from this extension if you prefer the native dark theme.

    This extension is based on the https://userstyles.org/styles/124403/google-black user-style.

  5. What is the "Dark Theme for Twitter" extension and how does it work?

    The "Dark Theme for Twitter" extension converts the color scheme of twitter.com into a dark mode. Unlike similar extensions, this one utilizes the built-in dark theme of twitter.com, resulting in better compatibility when compared to themes installed via add-ons such as Stylish or Stylus. Users can customize the background colors of all the crucial sections via the options page. Adjust these colors or revert to their default values as desired.

  6. Can the colors used by this extension be customized?

    Yes, the extension initially converts all colors to a charcoal/blue theme, but users can access all the colors from the options page and personalize the dark theme.

  7. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  8. What are the colors that are currently configurable on "Dark Theme for YouTube" extension?

    Here is a list of all global color codes you can configure manually from options page:

    • selection-bg-color
    • selection-text-color
    • body-font
    • bg-color
    • main-text-color
    • main-faded-text-color
    • author-highlight-bg-color
    • sep-line-color
    • card-bg-color
    • card-dark-bg-color
    • card-light-bg-color
    • card-border-color
    • card-hover-bg-color
    • card-light-hover-bg-color
    • card-light-hover-border-color
    • menu-bg-color
    • menu-hover-bg-color
    • menu-border-color
    • menu-light-bg-color
    • menu-light-hover-bg-color
    • menu-light-active-bg-color
    • menu-light-border-color
    • link-color
    • link-hover-color
    • input-box-bg-color
    • input-checkbox-toggle-bg-color
    • input-checkbox-active-bg-color
    • input-checkbox-inactive-bg-color

  9. What are the colors that are currently configurable on "Dark Theme for YouTube" extension?

    Here is a list of all global color codes you can configure manually from options page:

    • front-color
    • link-color
    • visited-color
    • bg-color

  10. Can I add custom CSS rules to extend the default dark theme?

    In the latest version of my dark theme extensions, I've included a new text element on the options page, allowing users to add custom CSS rules. This feature enables fine-tuning of the theme to meet your requirements. Note that this feature is not yet available on all dark theme extensions.

  11. Can I specify a period for my dark theme extension to be active? I like the dark theme to only get enabled during nighttime hours.

    Similar to the custom CSS rule option, the latest release includes a new section for setting a schedule for the extension to be enabled. When the automatic scheduling feature is enabled, the extension checks its current state and adjusts the enabling or disabling status based on IDLE and ALARM events. If you wish to use the action button to disable or enable the extension, the automatic mode should not be active.

  12. I like this extension, but the one thing that bothers me is that it always takes a while to load the dark background for new requests. Is there any fix?

    This extension cannot darken empty documents. The white screen that is shown before the load of the document, is the default browser's empty document view. Most likely by installing a dark theme for your browser the color of this empty document alters

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What's new in this version

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    Last 10 commits on GitHub
    Hover over a node to see more details

    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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