Autofill Forms a powerful single-click form-filler extension
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Your Input Matters
autofill extension
The "Autofill Forms" extension streamlines the process of completing web forms by automatically selecting data from different profiles with a single click. You can conveniently fill out a form once and instruct the extension to update the existing profile or create a new one based on the entered data. These profiles can then be used to populate the same form or other forms later. The extension has built-in detection for common fields like name, email, and address, and it also provides a button to capture unknown form fields. Moreover, the action button enables you to generate robust and secure random passwords for submitting online forms.



  1. What is the "Autofill Forms" extension and how can I use it?

    The "Autofill Forms" extension offers a lightweight solution for managing personal information across multiple profiles. It simplifies the process of automatically populating web forms and provides a feature to generate secure random passwords when registering on forms.

    This extension works offline, ensuring no data is transmitted to or received from any remote server.

    After installation, an action button is added to your browser's user interface. This button might be placed inside the extensions button. In this case, you can unpin it to place it in the toolbar area. Accessing the button and clicking on the settings button opens the settings page, which consists of three main sections. The first section allows you to adjust general settings related to the extension, such as the character set used for generating secure passwords. In the second section, you can input your personal information. If multiple users share the browser, it's possible to create distinct profiles for each user. Adding a new profile is as simple as clicking the "Add or Remove Profile" button. To modify an existing value, click on it, make the desired changes, and press the Enter key.

    For advanced users, the extension offers the ability to define custom rules and assign corresponding values to these rules for different profiles. In the "Add a new rule" section, you can create a new rule by specifying both the "Field Rule" and "Site Rule." If you want the rule to apply to all websites, you can use "(?:)" for the "Site Rule." Please note that both rules must be valid regular expressions.

  2. recommended The "Save Tabs" extension for Chrome, Edge, and Firefox browsers.

    The "Save Tabs" extension allows you to save and restore tabs across different windows, helping reduce memory usage or revisit tabs later while preserving their state. It also supports syncing across devices and offers optional password protection for session security, all without affecting browser performance when not in use. Read more here.

  3. How do I create a custom rule for my specific input box?

    To define a custom rule, follow these steps. First, open the options page and navigate to the "Define a New Rule" section. Choose a name for your rule, and if it applies to a specific site, enter the corresponding site rule. Leave it blank if the rule is not site-specific. Next, specify a field rule using a regular expression that matches the name attribute of your field or the exact name attribute itself. Press enter to save the new rule.

    Now, proceed to the profile section on the settings page. Specify a value for your rule by entering the same rule name in the "Name" input box and your desired value in the "Value" input box. Press the Enter key to record this value. If you have multiple profiles, you can assign different values for the same rule accordingly.

  4. Is it possible to manually fill a field if it is not automatically populated?

    In such cases, you can manually fill the field by following these steps. Right-click on the input field and locate the "AutoFill Forms" context menu. Within the menu, you will find a list of rule names. Click on the desired rule, and the corresponding value will be inserted into the field. It's important to note that the right-click context menu uses the currently selected default profile for filling forms, especially if you have multiple profiles configured.

  5. How do I set a profile as the default?

    The extension alters the default profile in two ways:

    • Access the settings page and choose the desired profile.
    • Open the action's panel and use the search box to fuzzy search for a profile name. The selected profile is your new default profile.

  6. What's new in this version?

    Please check the Logs section.

  7. Can I import or export my forms data to a new browser?

    At this moment this feature is not yet implemented

  8. [deprecated] Does the "Autofill Forms" extension support Electrolysis?

    Yes, it is fully e10s compatible

  9. What does "Rule" refer to in the "Autofill Forms" extension, and how can it be used?

    When editing a profile in this extension, there are two main types of rules: site rules and field rules. These rules are constructed using regular expressions, which are pattern-matching expressions. The "Autofill Forms" extension uses these regular expressions to match field names or site URLs with flexible patterns, allowing for more precise form filling.

  10. Why does the "Autofill Forms" extension populate all fields with the same value on certain forms? How can this issue be resolved?

    This situation occurs when some forms do not use standard naming rules for their name attributes of the page elements. For example, in an email service, all name attributes might begin with the "mail_form_" prefix. Consequently, all fields match the predefined "email" rule since the rule is simply a field with "mail" somewhere in its name attribute. To address this problem, you can define more specific rules for each affected field, ensuring they are properly matched and filled.

  11. Where does Autofill Forms store my data, and is it secure?

    Autofill Forms securely stores your profile information locally in your browser's storage. All major browsers provide storage APIs for local data storage. It's important to note that Autofill Forms does not back up or have access to your data in any way. Rest assured that your personal information remains private and is not accessible by the extension.

  12. How can I use the "Random String Generation (RegExp to Random String)" feature?

    In version 0.1.3, a new feature has been introduced that allows you to generate strings based on a predefined regular expression. This feature is particularly useful for generating random passwords for your forms. To use this feature, edit the value field of a rule within a profile and enter a regular expression enclosed within "/" characters. For example, to generate a random password with a length between 5 and 8 characters, you can use the expression "/\w{5,8}/" in the value field of your rule.

  13. Is it possible to use Autofill Forms to fill an input box with a predefined set of random names?

    Starting from version 0.1.3, you can achieve this by using a regular expression such as "/(?:name1)|(?:name2)|(?:name3)/" as the value for a rule. This regular expression will randomly select a name from the provided set whenever the matching rule is encountered, allowing you to fill the input box with a predefined random name.

  14. Why do I occasionally receive the "Access to this frame is denied" notification after updating to version 0.3.3?

    By default, this extension only requests the "activeTab" permission, which restricts its interaction with cross-origin frame elements. This limited permission is the reason behind the "Access to this frame is denied" warning. You, however, can grant cross-origin access to the extension by enabling the appropriate permission on the options page. If you require the extension to fill cross-origin forms, navigate to the options page and click the "Access" button located on the "General Settings" tab. This action enables the necessary permissions for cross-origin form filling.

  15. What does the term "regular expression" (regexp) mean?

    RegExp, short for regular expression, is a powerful tool used for pattern matching and manipulation of text. It is a sequence of characters that forms a search pattern, providing a concise and flexible way to match and manipulate strings. Here are a few examples of regular expressions:

    Matching a specific word:

    • Pattern: /hello/
    • Matches: "hello", "hello world"
    • Does not match: "hi", "goodbye"

    Matching a range of characters:

    • Pattern: /[a-z]/
    • Matches: Any lowercase letter from a to z
    • Does not match: Numbers, uppercase letters, special characters

    Matching a digit:

    • Pattern: /d/
    • Matches: Any digit from 0 to 9
    • Does not match: Letters, special characters

    Matching multiple occurrences of a character:

    • Pattern: /o+/
    • Matches: "oo", "ooo", "ooooo"
    • Does not match: "hoo", "hello"

    Matching an email address:

    These are just a few examples to illustrate the concept of regular expressions. Regular expressions can become quite complex and versatile, allowing for more advanced pattern matching and manipulation of text.

  16. Instruction on random string generation from a regexp pattern:

    Example: To generate a random number of length 3 use /\d\d\d/ regexp pattern. Each "\d" generate a single digit random number. You can use the following regexp rules:

    • * + ? {n,n}: Quantifier
    • .: represents any character except a newline character (\n). It matches any single character, including letters, digits, symbols, whitespace, or any other character except for a newline.
    • [ .. ]: Character class (also supports range with - but does not supports ^)
    • ( .. ): Simple grouping
    • |: Alternative
    The following rules are not supported:
    • ^: beginning of line
    • $: end of line
    • \b \B

Matched Content


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What's new in this version

Change Logs:
    Last 10 commits on GitHub
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    Need help?

    If you have questions about the extension, or ideas on how to improve it, please post them on the  support site. Don't forget to search through the bug reports first as most likely your question/bug report has already been reported or there is a workaround posted for it.

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    Editorial Review

    If you are like me and you love using Google Toolbar, there's one thing you must like more than anything else; Autofill. It would just take me one click to automatically fill an online web form with my personal information including my name, address, phone number, E-mail address and other required information. In today's time, shopping online has shaped up as a major trend. Naturally, I like to follow this trend, as I can easily get whatever I want from the comfort of my home. I don't have to spend hours shopping for stuff outside. Instead, I use that time for more productive things. However, one thing about online shopping that no one likes, is filling out all the registration fields manually every time. This is where AutoFill Forms come in handy. AutoFill Forms is a Firefox add-on that helps you fill out web forms, much like a Google Toolbar.

    Once you have configured the add-on, simple go to your Firefox add-ons and click on “Option” under AutoFill Forms. This will give you a new window, in which you can fill out several personal information fields, to help you out next time you go shopping online or any other online stuff that needs you to fill out forms. The AutoFill Forms button will show on your toolbar at the top. Any time you face the need to fill out an online form, simply click the AutoFill Forms button from your toolbar and voila, it's done! This amazing tool automatically fills out the complete form for you. It will only show you a pop-up in case the form comprises of an unknown field or a question.

    What's more to it? AutoFill Forms gives you the option to set up separate profiles. This allows you to use different sets of information depending on different type of sites. How great and innovative is that? My personal experience with AutoFill Forms has been outstanding. It gets the job done for you every single time!

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